Private lessons that bring confidence to your voice
Love your voice and
strengthen it
Persuade and
influence others
Get rid of the fear
of public speaking
Love your voice and
strengthen it
Persuade and
influence others
Get rid of the fear
of public speaking
About me
Hi, my name is Olga Vodolazhska.
I'm a Speech Voice coach, Public Speaking & Communication coach, and a certified Self-Expression psychologist and psychotherapist.

I have combined the latest advanced techniques over the last 12 years helping executives, employees, and any person who needs it to increase self-confidence, self-management, and self-expression skills.

In order to qualitatively change your voice, you need to change your psychological habits and internal attitudes. That's why I developed my own training formula: voice exercises + body-oriented psychotherapy + coaching.

I teach to live through emotions associated with conversations, public speaking and singing. My clients get rid of their fears and open up in the atmosphere of complete acceptance that I create.
Olga Vodolazhska. Chekhov's story "From a Diary of a Young Girl", 2014 (I added rolled "r's" to enliven the character)
About the lessons
  • Voice
    Practical exercises for voice, breathing and body that will help you sound confident and convincing
  • Attention
    Exercises to develop multi-object attention and concentration, and conscious control of non-verbal communication
  • Improvisation
    Skill development: 1) improvisation, 2) ability to get into the emotional state you need, 3) control the voice and body under stressful conditions
  • Psychology
    Practical psychological techniques that reduce fears, embarrassment and set you up for victory and success, as well as increase your influence over others
About the lessons
  • Voice
    Practical exercises for voice, breathing and body that will help you sound confident and convincing
  • Attention
    Exercises to develop multi-object attention and concentration, and conscious control of non-verbal communication
  • Improvisation
    Skill development: 1) improvisation, 2) ability to get into the emotional state you need, 3) control the voice and body under stressful conditions
  • Psychology
    Practical psychological techniques that reduce fears, embarrassment and set you up for victory and success, as well as increase your influence over others
If you want to
  • Improve
    your voice
    to develop your business, increase authority, to confirm and achieve a certain status as a:

    • department director
    • top manager
    • CEO, business owner
    • startup
  • Attract
    to get recognition, a promotion, salary increase or find another job as a:

    • sales manager
    • customer service manager
    • HR consultant
    • project manager
  • Reach
    a larger
    As a:

    • coach, teacher
    • doctor, psychologist
    • cosmetologist
    • writer
    • speaker
    • lawyer, advocate
    • journalist
    • actor
  • Feel
    more confident
    express your opinion easily in any situation or talk about your rights and desires
If you want to
  • Improve your voice
    to develop your business, increase authority, to confirm and achieve a certain status as a:

    • department director
    • top manager
    • CEO, business owner
    • startup
    • Attract attention
      to get recognition, a promotion, salary increase or find another job as a:

      • sales manager
      • customer service manager
      • HR consultant
      • project manager
    • Reach a larger audience
      As a:

      • coach, teacher
      • doctor, psychologist
      • cosmetologist
      • writer
      • speaker
      • lawyer, advocate
      • journalist
      • actor
    • Feel more confident
      express your opinion easily in any situation or talk about your rights and desires
    It will work!
    even if now you feel
    Anxiety and stress
    • you lose your thoughts, get confused, forget words when talking about something important
    • you can't control your voice and it sounds unsure/harsh/childish/too high-pitched or you lose your breath
    • during a conversation/speech, you tense up and think about WHAT needs to be said - so you're unable to change your voice, monitor gestures, posture, facial expressions, pauses, emotions and accents in speech
    The fear of making mistakes, being evaluated, and receiving criticism or aggression
    • you are afraid to speak in front of a new audience, behave in a new way or say something out of place
    • you find it difficult to insist, remember everything that needs to be said or manage your emotions when you anticipate an unfriendly reaction
    • you are afraid to express yourself because people might get the wrong idea
    You don't like
    your own voice
    • you get upset when you hear how your voice sounds on a recording
    • your voice is too quiet/dull/monotonous/emotional/harsh/ soft/low/high/unconfident/unconvincing/ broken/wavering
    • when communicating/speaking for a long time, your voice becomes quiet, your throat becomes dry or sore
    It will work!
    even if now you feel
    Anxiety and stress
    • you lose your thoughts, get confused, forget words when talking about something important
    • you can't control your voice and it sounds unsure/harsh/childish/too high-pitched or you lose your breath
    • during a conversation/speech, you tense up and think about WHAT needs to be said - so you're unable to change your voice, monitor gestures, posture, facial expressions, pauses, emotions and accents in speech
    The fear of making mistakes, being evaluated, and receiving criticism or aggression
    • you are afraid to speak in front of a new audience, behave in a new way or say something out of place
    • you find it difficult to insist, remember everything that needs to be said or manage your emotions when you anticipate an unfriendly reaction
    • you are afraid to express yourself because people might get the wrong idea
    You don't like your own voice
    • you get upset when you hear how your voice sounds on a recording
    • your voice is too quiet/dull/monotonous/emotional/harsh/ soft/low/high/unconfident/unconvincing/ broken/wavering
    • when communicating/speaking for a long time, your voice becomes quiet, your throat becomes dry or sore
    Easy and interesting to do!
    • For beginners
      The course for beginners is designed for 3 months (1 hour 2 times per week) or 5-6 months (1 hour once per week)
    • Course length
      The duration of the course depends on your experience and request: from 1-2 lessons up to achieving your goal
    • Start with simple exercises
      Voice training exercises are like a game and are a lot of fun. We begin to monitor three parameters simultaneously: breathing, throat relaxation and facial muscles
    • We gradually proceed to advanced techniques with element repetition
      In each lesson we add something new and increase the level of difficulty. In a few weeks you will be able to monitor 7-13 aspects of the voice and body at the same time
    • Learn to include different emotions
      You will pronounce each voice and articulation task with different emotions and make this skill second nature. We will use psychological techniques to help change your attitude towards your own voice, speech, your conversation partner and even a large audience
    • Remove psychological blocks
      Whenever you feel fear, stiffness or embarrassment, we apply therapy or coaching tools and work through them
    • Integrate all elements into real life
      Life situations: conversations with clients/boss/partners/husband/wife, interviews, speaking to colleagues/subordinates/investors, presentations, negotiations
    Easy and interesting to do!
    • For beginners
      The course for beginners is designed for 3 months (1 hour 2 times per week) or 5-6 months (1 hour once per week)
    • Course length
      The duration of the course depends on your experience and request: from 1-2 lessons up to achieving your goal
    • Start with simple exercises
      Voice training exercises are like a game and are a lot of fun. We begin to monitor three parameters simultaneously: breathing, throat relaxation and facial muscles
    • We gradually proceed to advanced techniques with element repetition
      In each lesson we add something new and increase the level of difficulty. In a few weeks you will be able to monitor 7-13 aspects of the voice and body at the same time
    • Learn to include different emotions
      You will pronounce each voice and articulation task with different emotions and make this skill second nature. We will use psychological techniques to help change your attitude towards your own voice, speech, your conversation partner and even a large audience
    • Remove psychological blocks
      Whenever you feel fear, stiffness or embarrassment, we apply therapy or coaching tools and work through them
    • Integrate all elements into real life
      Life situations: conversations with clients/boss/partners/husband/wife, interviews, speaking to colleagues/subordinates/investors, presentations, negotiations
    You'll be able to
    • Talk about yourself
      confidently express yourself, your opinion and your point of view
    • Impress
      come across as a strong, competent and experienced expert
    • Keep calm
      speak confidently and calmly in unexpected, stressful and combative situations
    • Make aquaintances
      with influential and successful people
    • Convince
      a partner or client that you are right
    • Bring your ideas
      to the company's top management and team
    • Record
      film a story or go live
    • Sell
      your products or services to an important client
    • Communicate freely
      easily speak in front of a live audience or at online events
    • Express yourself comfortably
      communicate easily with friends or at a corporate event, even when there are a lot of strangers
    You'll be able to
    • Talk about yourself
      confidently express yourself, your opinion and your point of view
    • Impress
      come across as a strong, competent and experienced expert
    • Keep calm
      speak confidently and calmly in unexpected, stressful and combative situations
    • Make aquaintances
      with influential and successful people
    • Convince
      a partner or client that you are right
    • Bring your ideas
      to the company's top management and team
    • Record
      film a story or go live
    • Sell
      your products or services to an important client
    • Communicate freely
      easily speak in front of a live audience or at online events
    • Express yourself comfortably
      communicate easily with friends or at a corporate event, even when there are a lot of strangers
    Other benefits
    • Voice & speech
      • you will develop a voice "on demand" - it will sound HOW you need it, WHEN you need it. Your voice will become deep, voluminous, will come from the chest and give the impression of inner strength
      • your speech will become understandable and clear, and at the same time smooth enough so that people want to listen without interrupting you
      • you'll be able to speed up and slow down, change the pitch and volume of your voice to emphasize your main ideas
    • Look, posture, gestures
      • confidently look into the eyes or directly into the camera lens
      • lively, natural facial expressions without tension or a forced smile
      • natural open gestures that logically complement what you say
    • Intonations, emotions, pauses
      • the ability to manage your emotions and cope with anxiety, stress or sadness
      • place semantic accents, pauses, speak more vividly and excitingly
      • impact on the emotions of the audience, arouse interest, motivation, joy and inspiration
    As well as:
    • Voice & speech
      • you will develop a voice "on demand" - it will sound HOW you need it, WHEN you need it. Your voice will become deep, voluminous, will come from the chest and give the impression of inner strength
      • your speech will become understandable and clear, and at the same time smooth enough so that people want to listen without interrupting you
      • you'll be able to speed up and slow down, change the pitch and volume of your voice to emphasize your main ideas
    • Look, posture, gestures
      • confidently look into the eyes or directly into the camera lens
      • lively, natural facial expressions without tension or a forced smile
      • natural open gestures that logically complement what you say
    • Intonations, emotions, pauses
      • the ability to manage your emotions and cope with anxiety, stress or sadness
      • place semantic accents, pauses, speak more vividly and excitingly
      • impact on the emotions of the audience, arouse interest, motivation, joy and inspiration
    Acquaintance with a pleasant aftertaste
    Elena came to me with a determined mindset to improve her diction and free her voice. She often had a feeling of having a lump in her throat. She managed to get rid of that muscular tension in the throat and her voice sounded clearer. It became easier for her to talk and express her opinion with different people at work.
    Konstantin got a new position, so he needed to learn how to convince people. We worked together on diction, intonations and voice confidence.
    Available courses
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    • 1 lesson - 55 minutes
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    Available courses
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    • 1 lesson - 55 minutes
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    • 1 lesson - 55 minutes
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    • 1 lesson - 55 minutes
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    Free consultation
    What can you change to sound brighter and more interesting? Find out how your voice can influence people around you
    I permit the processing of my personal data according to the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" and agree to the rules and procedures for the course posted on the website
    Write to us!
    We will be happy to answer your questions.