Group lessons Online
Singing+Emotional Intelligence

for beginners and long-time singers

Emotional Intelligence
Group lessons Online
for beginners and long-time singers

Sign up for the course
Fill out the form and we'll contact you for payment and provide access to online group lessons.
I permit the processing of my personal data according to the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" and agree to the rules and procedures for the course posted on the website
About me
Hi, my name is Olga Vodolazhska.
I'm a Vocal coach, Speech Voice coach, Public Speaking & Communication coach, and a certified psychologist and psychotherapist.

I have combined the latest advanced techniques over the last 12 years helping any person who needs it to improve the quality of the voice, feel confident and sing freely.

In order to qualitatively change your voice, you need to change your psychological habits. That's why I developed my own training formula: voice exercises + body-oriented psychotherapy + coaching.

My clients get rid of their fears and open up in the atmosphere of complete acceptance that I create. No matter what age they start singing, it becomes their hobby, they learn to control their mood through singing. They also learn to live more harmoniously and freely, with love for themselves and their voice.
Course features
Vocal techniques
Breathing and physical exercises
Singing with the emotional expression
Psychology of singing
A safe atmosphere to easily share your thoughts and emotions
  • Start singing
    You have been eager to try singing lessons for a long time, but you were prevented by fear, shame or beliefs like "it's not for me", "I have no ear for it", "no voice", "what if it doesn't work".
  • Improve your voice
    You have been singing or going to vocal lessons for a long time, and you want to try new ways of developing your voice.
  • Learn to manage your emotions
    You are accumulating emotions and there is no place to express them or no one to open up to. You want to learn to sing for yourself, especially when you feel a lot or your emotions are overwhelming.
  • Start singing
    You have been eager to try singing lessons for a long time, but you were prevented by fear, shame or beliefs like "it's not for me", "I have no ear for it", "no voice", "what if it doesn't work".
  • Improve your voice
    You have been singing or going to vocal lessons for a long time, and you want to try new ways of developing your voice
    • Learn to manage your emotions
      You are accumulating emotions and there is no place to express them or no one to open up to. You want to learn to sing for yourself, especially when you feel a lot or your emotions are overwhelming.
      • 1st lesson
        • Introduction
        • Theory: voice physiology, resonators, how emotions influence singing
        • Emotional warming-up exercises*
        • Exercises "Soap" and "Disgruntled Hysterics"
        • Singing songs*

        *Participants do warming-up exercises and sing songs with their microphones turned off. The coach and other participants will not hear you. At the same time, you hear the coach, she is singing and tells everyone what to pay attention to while singing. If you have a question about your sound, and you want to be heard, it can be done right after the group is finished singing the exercise/song.
      • 2nd lesson
        • Psychology of singing: the meaning of each basic emotion, ways of expressing emotions
        • Blockers in the body
        • Exercises to release tension in the throat and upper body
        • Emotional tongue twisters
        • Emotional warm-ups
        • Techniques for overcoming emotions while singing
        • Singing songs
      • 3rd lesson
        • Breathing exercises and the breath connection to emotions
        • Vocal techniques
        • Helping the body in expressing emotions in warm-ups and songs
        • Switching emotions between songs
        • Singing songs
      • 4th lesson
        • Connecting breath, body, emotions and imagination
        • Learning to separate the volume from the intensity of emotional expression
        • Emotional warm-ups
        • Singing songs
        • A vote to select 2-3 songs for skill practice
      • 5th lesson
        • Repeating the exercises and connecting them more deeply with each other
        • Vocal and emotional techniques
        • Exercise "Wolf/She-Wolf"
        • Singing songs
      • 6th lesson
        • Practicing the exercises and connect them more deeply
        • Vocal and emotional techniques
        • Exercise "Cat"
        • Singing songs
      • 7th lesson
        • Practicing exercises and connecting them more deeply
        • Vocal and emotional techniques
        • Exercise "Home Opera"
        • Singing songs
      • 8th lesson
        • Repeating all exercises
        • Emotional warm-ups
        • Singing songs
        • Feedback (what you got out of the course)
        • Individual advice and tasks
      • 1st lesson
        • Introduction
        • Theory: voice physiology, resonators, how emotions influence singing
        • Emotional warming-up exercises*
        • Exercises "Soap" and "Disgruntled Hysterics"
        • Singing songs*

        *Participants do warming-up exercises and sing songs with their microphones turned off. The coach and other participants will not hear you. At the same time, you hear the coach, she is singing and tells everyone what to pay attention to while singing. If you have a question about your sound, and you want to be heard, it can be done right after the group is finished singing the exercise/song.
      • 2nd lesson
        • Psychology of singing: the meaning of each basic emotion, ways of expressing emotions
        • Blockers in the body
        • Exercises to release tension in the throat and upper body
        • Emotional tongue twisters
        • Emotional warm-ups
        • Techniques for overcoming emotions while singing
        • Singing songs
      • 3rd lesson
        • Breathing exercises and the breath connection to emotions
        • Vocal techniques
        • Helping the body in expressing emotions in warm-ups and songs
        • Switching emotions between songs
        • Singing songs
      • 4th lesson
        • Connecting breath, body, emotions and imagination
        • Learning to separate the volume from the intensity of emotional expression
        • Emotional warm-ups
        • Singing songs
        • A vote to select 2-3 songs for skill practice
      • 5th lesson
        • Repeating the exercises and connecting them more deeply with each other
        • Vocal and emotional techniques
        • Exercise "Wolf/She-Wolf"
        • Singing songs
      • 6th lesson
        • Practicing the exercises and connect them more deeply
        • Vocal and emotional techniques
        • Exercise "Cat"
        • Singing songs
      • 7th lesson
        • Practicing exercises and connecting them more deeply
        • Vocal and emotional techniques
        • Exercise "Home Opera"
        • Singing songs
      • 8th lesson
        • Repeating all exercises
        • Emotional warm-ups
        • Singing songs
        • Feedback (what you got out of the course)
        • Individual advice and tasks
      After the course you'll be able to
      • Sing better
        you'll have learnt about vocal techniques and practiced emotional methods that help you sing more beautifully
      • Be more confident
        you'll no longer be afraid or embarrassed to sing for yourself or for others
      • Express emotions
        it'll have become easier for you to harmoniously express your thoughts and emotions in life
      • Free yourself from emotions
        vocals will have become your favorite instrument that makes it possible to free yourself from accumulated emotions and feel better
      • Sing more freely
        thanks to managing emotions, your throat will no longer tighten while singing
      • Expand your range
        thanks to emotional exercises you will reach higher notes
      • Enjoy
        you'll be able to enjoy your voice and live your life to the fullest
      • Take voice control to the next level
        thanks to your new skills, your voice will become more controllable + you'll be able to sing the songs that didn't sound as good, better
      After the course you'll be able to
      • Sing better
        you'll have learnt about vocal techniques and practiced emotional methods that help you sing more beautifully
      • Be more confident
        you'll no longer be afraid or embarrassed to sing for yourself or for others
      • Express emotions
        it'll have become easier for you to harmoniously express your thoughts and emotions in life
      • Free yourself from emotions
        vocals will have become your favorite instrument that makes it possible to free yourself from accumulated emotions and feel better
      • Sing more freely
        thanks to managing emotions, your throat will no longer tighten while singing
      • Expand your range
        thanks to emotional exercises you will reach higher notes
      • Enjoy
        you'll be able to enjoy your voice and live your life to the fullest
      • Take voice control to the next level
        thanks to your new skills, your voice will become more controllable + you'll be able to sing the songs that didn't sound as good, better
      Olga is a wonderful coach! She's sensitive to the group's needs! The classes are interesting and structured. After the course, I began to feel and understand my body better, I began to listen more to my voice and the way it flows. I'm continuing to work on it! I really enjoyed it and it was very helpful!
      I would like to share my impressions about the group vocal lessons with elements of body-oriented therapy. I am very pleased. Every single time I received support and realised I got a result, even if it wasn't immediately apparent.

      What makes these courses unique? For those who want to sing freely, Olga teaches how to detect tensions and work with them. When you understand the problem, it is easier to work with it, and subsequently your voice becomes more confident and louder. I highly recommend it.
      I always liked to sing, but often, when I tried to hit some notes, I was reminded of the old adage that some people are not born to sing. Thanks to the course, I learned to control my voice with the help of my facial muscles and breathing. It began to sound with new "colors" and with new strength. And most importantly, I got the feeling that everything is working out and my pleasure of singing significantly increased.

      The course also pays a lot of attention to psychological practices - expressing emotions through sound and physical exercises. Olga is very attentive to each participant - to his or her feelings, emotions and impressions. I can say that the course provides an excellent foundation, and even after just 8 lessons, if you practice, you can achieve excellent results.

      Accountant, beginner vocalist
      Olga is the best vocal teacher. She understands that it is difficult and sometimes awkward for a beginner to sing in front of strangers. She knows a lot about the psychology of singing and psychotherapy. She doesn't put pressure, at the same time, upon request, she's able help sort out your issues. After all, if you are embarrassed and ashamed to sing, or you don't like your voice, then these are most likely psychological blocks.

      She takes care of both: vocal cords and the souls of her "wards". She asks for and pays attention to feedback. She praises and gives confidence.

      Olga explains the meaning and purpose of each exercise. There are no meaningless warm-ups here, just because "it's necessary." There is no frantic rhythm and shouting, no labels about what kind of voice you have or whether you can sing, no tension or stress.

      What there is: a lot of laughter and jokes, pleasure from the process, the opportunity to fool around and make strange sounds, feel the sound in the body, listen to your feelings, be in touch with yourself, express your emotions through singing, learn to relax what needs to be relaxed, and work with other muscles, as much as you need to, and sing your favourite songs, of course!

      English language teacher
      Format of the course
      8 online group classes for 2 hours
      2 times a week / 4 weeks
      When: Wednesday 19.00–21.00, Saturday 12.00–14.00, CET time
      Up to 10 people in a group

      Group exercises often have a more powerful effect than individual lessons. This happens because participants feel supported by other people. In each lesson you can ask questions and share your feelings. You will hear questions from participants and realise you're not alone in your experiences. This format helps everyone fulfill their potential.
      Sign up
      Fill out the form and we will contact you to make payment and provide access to the online course.
      Fill out the form and we will contact you to make payment and provide access to the online course.
      I permit the processing of my personal data according to the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" and agree to the rules and procedures for the course posted on the website
      Write to us!
      We will be happy to answer your questions.